
The cause of Hair Loss

Genetic hair loss in both sexes is triggered when Testosterone, the most potential male hormone converts to De-hydro-testosterone(DHT), a condition that causes loss of hair. Where this is predominately evident in men, (DHT) may be found in some women as well.

How hair is lost

Hair has two distinct structures - first, the follicle itself, which resides in the skin, and second, the shaft, which is what is visible as " the strand of hair" above the scalp. Hair growth supported by the follicles on the top front part of your scalp have a receptor molecule for DHT and as soon as it starts accumulating then the follicles start shrinking. The shrunk follicles can then no longer support long thick hair growth, hence hair gets finer with each cycle until total loss of the follicles.

technique used to replace your lost hairHair follicles at the sides of your scalp and below the occipital bone at the nape area of your head are (DHT) resistant. This means that if we harvest those follicles and plant them on the affected area then they shall generate long healthy terminal hair strands. This is the system that is used to restore your hair permanently. A scar free, minimal bleeding and painless Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the latest and safest system of systematically replanting your existing hair in areas that lack.