Ovarian cancer is called the “silent killer” due to the subtle symptoms which resemble common menstrual symptoms. This type of cancer is one of the deadliest– according to statistics by the American Cancer Society, only 20-30% of women diagnosed with late stage ovarian cancer are still alive after 5 years.
Due to the subtle symptoms and the lack of good routine screening tests, ovarian cancer is usually caught at an advanced stage it when there is not a lot doctors can do. The usual symptoms of the disease are subtle an include lower abdominal bloating, a feeling of fullness or mild congestion in the pelvis, which are also symptoms of menstruation of bowel sluggishness. The risk of ovarian cancer increases with age. It is the 5th most common cancer in American women and the 2nd most common gynecological cancer. However, the death rate of ovarian cancer is very high due to the late detection, which is why you should never ignore any unusual symptom.